If this is your first time visiting us you may be wondering what to wear. Some of our ladies wear dresses and a few will wear dress pants. Some of our men will have dress pants or jeans on. Our preacher is usually the only one with a tie on.
Welcome Bag
We are glad that you joined us for worship and before you leave we will have a welcome bag for you. The bag will include a note from the minister, a few resources about our specific congregation, and some further reading material.
When you come and visit us there is a parking space with a sign labeled for visitor parking. As you come into the parking lot it is on your left and near the front door. We also have some handicap parking.
Special Services
The 4th Sunday night of each month we have a song service. Where different men of the congregation will get up and lead a few songs each. Also on the 5th Sunday of the month we have a Potluck with an afternoon service to follow.
Length of service?
Our service is typically an hour. Service is from 10:30-11:30 but members will stay after and talk with one another. If you have the time, we would be glad to get to know you better.
Live Stream
Our live stream services have been helpful to members who are sick and can not meet in person. If you would like to check out what our services look like before coming in person then please visit our Facebook page or YouTube channel.