You will notice that the preacher doesn’t have a title such as Pastor or Reverend. He will probably be referred to as brother, mister, or, just called by his first name. He won’t be wearing any ecclesiastical vestments (special robes), which set him apart. The reason for this is our belief in the priesthood of all believers. We affirm that all believers are equal in God’s sight. The sermon is the time when the “good news” of God’s love and Jesus’ redemptive life is proclaimed and applied to our lives today. We want our preachers/speakers to work hard at applying the ancient Word to our lives today. It is his job to preach the Word (2 Timothy 4). We believe you will find it encouraging, relevant and Bible-centered.
- Invitation: At the close of some sermons, the preacher will “extend an invitation.” This is simply a time to invite those who are moved to do so to make a commitment or request prayer support. The preacher will encourage those who wish to “respond” to come to the front of the auditorium, while the congregation sings a hymn. This is not a time to feel uncomfortable; no one will be singled out in any way. There may be several who respond, or there may be none. Some may respond for baptism. Some may confess sins. Some may ask for prayer for a specific need. Some may want to “identify” or “place membership” with this church. If anyone responds for baptism, you will witness the baptism during this service. The baptism will be by immersion and for the remission of sin.